Saturday, January 18, 2014

Creative Little Garden

The weather didn't seem so bad when I first set out today, but after a few minutes I really started to feel the chill in the air, despite being well bundled.  I hadn't been out to take pictures in a few days and I was starting to feel antsy.  After a few hours of shooting, I decided to head back home and on my way I found this gem of a place.

The place is called "Creative Little Garden" and it is located on 6th st. between avenues A and B in Manhattan.  I'm a sucker for anything Christmas related and there was a Christmas tree with a train set on some tracks around it at at the entrance to the garden.  It was fairly small but very peaceful.  As cold as I was, I couldn't resist walking around for a while.  There were a few bird baths/feeders around the garden along with benches at the front and back for those who wanted to sit.  There were also random, cool decorations such as this:

All in all, I consider today successful.  I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, but I found this place so I'm happy.